Friday, January 21, 2011

{HOT Pink} Cake P O P S

Treat yourself to the latest craze in baking perfection...Cake Pops!
Here's how it works:

1. Choose your favorite Cake Flavor 
2. Pick an outer Chocolate/Sprinkles Color
3. Shoot us an e-mail Here telling us what date you will need them for.
4. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

"All you need is love"... and a CUPCAKE!

Caramel Cinnamon Apple Cupcakes with our favorite Cream Cheese Frosting are to die for.
Order your Valentine's Cupcakes, Cake Pops, & Cake Truffles today!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

L O V E Truffles

In celebration of that special someone...Valentines Cake Truffles are here!
We can customize any order to make it 'Oh So Sweet'!

1. Pick a Cake Flavor     2. Pick a Frosting Flavor     3. Choose up to 3 Chocolate Colors

Place your Order at
Be sure to include how you would like us to create your sweet treats!

Place an Order today at
Happy Valentine's Day to all of the Love Birds out there!
-Miss HerBOLD